October 17, 2008

the day after

Yesterday was a brilliant day. I woke up to so many great emails that kept pouring in throughout the day, and are still streaming in. Thank you to everybody for all your support! And it's been great hearing from eager readers who've already got their copies.
I wrote about the path to publication day here, as a guest blogger for The Compulsive Reader. I'm so grateful to all you book bloggers who've become fans of the book. You guys are amazing!

I have a guest blog appearing today on Book Chic's blog. I'll post it when it's up.

In a few minutes I'm heading out with my good friend R. to sign some books at some local indie book stores around LA. First, we're going to Portrait of a Bookstore. I love this adorable store, nestled among fruit trees and an outdoor cafe. How perfect is that? I used to escape here to read and write when I was at my old job during lunch sometimes. Then we're going to Book Soup. Book Soup is the first book store I went to in LA. It has the most amazing intimate feel, like you're always about to discover the best book. We'll finish up our tour at the Grove, featured in the book. They have a B&N and I gotta see if it's there!

I have to go get dressed before R. gets here. See? I do get out of PJs sometimes. But I'll leave you with this: I came home yesterday afternoon to the best gift from my husband. To celebrate my book launch he bought me a potted lemon tree. Not only that, it grows Meyer lemons!! My absolute favorite kind (a cross between lemons and oranges. tip: amazing freshly squeezed mixed with sparkling water. delight!). It's also symbolic, you know, the fruit bearing tree, like creativity...ok...I'll stop now.

Happy Friday everyone!


Anonymous said...

I saw your interview on the Compulsive Reader. Congrats on the book! I've heard it's really good. It's on the top of my reading list. I doubt I'll have a chance to read anything until semester ends, but I can't wait to read it! Oh, and I love Meyer lemons.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the release of your book! It sounds adorable.

Anonymous said...

delightful.This book appeals to older readers as well. Please don't restrict your reading to that age. It touches one's memory of by-gone days as well as the present. RL